I had this article rolling around in my mind for weeks before putting my fingers to the keys and, I admit, I procrastinated for days before getting this down. What was stopping me from writing it and why couldn’t I find the words?

“You don’t know enough about this subject.” “You can’t help anyone because you too experience low self esteem.” I realised that ignoring these harsh statements from my inner critic wasn’t silencing them. The critic was only shouting louder, desperate to be heard. And the result of ignoring these messages was that I avoided writing the article all together, putting it off for another day while telling myself I’d get it down when I felt more confident. Read more…

A century on from the influenza pandemic known as the ‘Spanish Flu’, Covid-19 has presented a worrying time for all across the world.

There is a plethora of information on how to take care of our physical health during this time, with advice from the government to socially distance, use the NHS Track and Trace app, wear a mask when out and about and sanitise our hands regularly.

But what about our mental health? In a high stress time, it can be difficult to maintain a well mind. So how can you look after yourself and your loved ones? Read more…

We can all feel overwhelmed by our thoughts, feelings and what is going on around us at times. How would it feel to strip back some of the noise and simplify life? What does it mean to live simply? How can we achieve simplicity in the modern world and a feeling of peace?

To investigate this topic we will take a look at some words that come to mind using the letters of SIMPLICITY Read more…

Seeking balance is an ongoing activity. In finding balance, whether that be in our daily lives, such as a work/life balance, or in our minds, balanced moods, it seems that this state of being is commonly sought after… Read More